


......"Bangladesh,. Independence and Bangabandhu".....


Bangladesh, Independence and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib....

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (name of emotion and Heartiest Love) ( 17 march 1920--15 August 1975) Shortened as Sheikh Mujibur or Bangabandhu or just Mujib. Bangladeshi politician and statesman. He is called the' Father of Nation' in Bangladesh

.He served as the first President of Bangladesh(17 April 1971)  and later as the Prime Minister from (12 January.1972) until his ((along with his Family members and Relatives, exception with the Two Daughters of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib)) heinous, barbarous,  assassination on 15 August 1975 by the some notorious persons of the history of Bangladesh. This assassination is the blackest Chapter or deepest Stigma for the history of Bangladesh.

His adoring people dubbed with Title of "Bangabandhu" Friend of Bengal on 23 February 1969, at Race course ground unanimously decided by the students leaders and such auspicious declaration was announced  by our Eminent leader Tofail Ahmed at a huge rally. In fact,it was a mass reception by his adoring countrymen. 

He is considered to be the major and 'Only' driving force of the independence of Bangladesh. He was a legendary leading figure and eventually leader of the Awamileague  founded in 1949 as an East Pakistan based political party , then Pakistan  and later as the central figure behind the Bangladesh liberation movement and the Bangladesh liberation war in 1971.

Thus, he is regarded 'Jatir Pita'  Jatir Janak' (both meaning father of nation )of Bangladesh....

Throughout his Life, he Struggled for all types of  emancipation (From the Tyrants of the West Pakistani)  for his most adoring people...Like oppressions, exploitation, corruption and  freedom for all classes of people irrespectively caste, creed, and religion along with the oppressed people of the world.... He himself stated in his delivered lecture that I am in  favour of the oppressed or exploited people of the world .. .

.The world famous leaders also considered him the Leader of the World not only the Leader of Bangladesh.

He always Cherished a Dream for a Corruption Free Nation ...but unfortunately this corruption is running on  in full swing in our Sovereign (Sonar Bangla Of Bangabandhu) Country"",,.......( In Brief)

For that. I am citing some Verses about or against Corruption,,, below.....- 

---Anti Corruption Slogans---

Think for betterment.

Corruption is a bane

No corruption, no demolition.

Don't commit this Sin.

Corruption is next to cancer

Enjoy corruption free life.

You know the consequences.

Fight corruption, bring progression!

Corrupted country can never grow!

Corruption: Fight it , Win it.

No lagging behind,Uplift the Nation.

Corruption leads country towards emptiness.

Think for the nation and refrain from corruption.

Limit your wants and needs because corruption is the result of your greed.

Stop money hunger. Stop Corruption. !!!


"Life is Short but Art is Long.."

(This proverb  has eternally or  universally been proven by my dearest personality. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman...)

.................. G.M Moshiur Rahman ( G.M Sir)


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