


..... Loneliness........!!! Effects of Lonelinesses...


Loneliness is a Universal experience which speaks to our deep human need to connect with One another and the Fundamental role fulfilling social and Emotional Relationships have for good human health and well- being.Loneliness is an important World  Wide Public Health  Concern affecting people of all Cultures and Ages,  with prevalence rates predicted increase to 'epidemic' levels in the future. 

Taking Loneliness causes many diseases namely,heart disease, Stroke,obesity,mental illness or depression etc.

......   Effects of Loneliness..... 

Poor social Relationships ( characterized by social isolation or Loneliness)  is associated with a 29% increased risk of Heart Disease and  a 32% increased risk of stroke. Loneliness  is also associated with high rates of depression, anxiety,and Suicidal incident.(would be continued) 01.

"Solitude, isolation are Painful things, and    beyond Human Endurance "---I myself have undergone such isolated or lonely life leading since 2006 till right now.(((..Sorry to expose my own bitter experience))! It is such an intolerable or Crucial hours or period of Lifespan, only those who have undergone such reality, would be able to Feel or Understand, how painful such type of stage of Life! To lead and pass on such days........... It is true, time passes by the passage of time somehow , but it takes a heavy Toll Little by Little from OnlY a 'Single ' Life..G.M Sir.

Thank All ......

Stay safe and sound and keep Others Safe..

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