


How can You improve Your memory and concentration...?

Here ,25. Ways to improve your memory and concentration......

*1. Learn something new. Memory strength is        just like muscular strength.

*2. Repeat and Retrieve.

*3. Try acronyms, abbreviation and mnemonics----

*4. Group 'chunk' information.

*5. Construct a 'mind palace'...

*6. Use all of your senses..

*7. Don't turn to Google right  away..

*8. Lose the GPS..

*9. Keep yourself busy...

*10. Sleep on a regular schedule...

*11. Stay organised....

*12. Avoid bright screens before Bed..

*13. Eat more of these foods...

       (Green leafy vegetables, whole grains, berries, olive oil, coconut oil, and spices fatty fish etc)

*14.Eat less of these foods...

     (Sugar ,processed foods, butter, red meat, fried foodstuffs, Cheese etc)

*15. Get physical movement or  mental exercise..

*16. Manage stress....

*17. Socialize Yourself...

*18. Drink water more...

*19. Drink coffee..

*20. Meditate..

*21. Enjoying Nature..

*22. Practice yoga..

*23. Shed the extra weight...

24. Concentrate on your surroundings,and enjoy Freedom 

*25.Say your prayers on the basis of your Religion or community...

"Believe on Your Courage,  ,Trust on oneself,Fear Yourself and God, except None"

"Lear English and open the Horizon of knowledge." 

Thank All..Stay with my New Page''Skylark''.. Website ,, Skylarkelt...and Utube Channel..

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