


Causes of Loneliness....How does affect Your Mood...? What does it mean to be emotionally Lonely?

 Causes of Loneliness -

Loneliness can also be attributed to internal factors such as low self esteem. People who lack of confidence in themselves often believe that they are unworthy  of the attention or regard of other people, which can lead to isolation and chronic Loneliness.

       **How does loneliness affect Your Mood?

Feeling of loneliness negatively affect your daily life or make it hard to do, perform things you want to do.You have a low mood or feelings of depression. You have symptoms of another mental health Concern., such as anxiety,  depression and severe insomnia.


    ** What does it mean to be emotionally Lonely?

Emotional  loneliness is defined as not have a significant emotional connection with at least one other person. It is very  true, we all have different needs and a number of Emotional Connections..(Would be continued) 02.

"Loneliness is black Coffee and Late -- Night Television, 

Solitude is Herb Tea and Soft Music."---Pearl Cleage.

Thank All, 

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