


How do you talk Sweet to a Guy?

May be followed......

***Complement first.....

***Appreciate him what he does for your betterment......

***Be supportive of his alone time.....

***Put down your phone........

***When you get something for yourself get something for him, too ........

***Look him in the Eyes......

******What is love for you in one word?

Love is a feeling, a deep sense of affection you have for Someone,,,,,,,,,,

 To describe love in one word is quite difficult but if I am to answer this, I'd say,that one word would be Understanding. Mutual Understanding is like the root of any Relationship, be it with your Parents, Siblings or with Opposite Sex ......

"I Love 'You',,(Daughter),' the Way of Drowning Man Loves Air.".


Thank You All

 My website Skylarkelt, Visit my website..

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