


Who is Foreigner..? How do you converse in English..? With a Foreigner...

 Who is Foreigner..?

Foreigner is someone from another Country......

Likewise, a Foreigner is  someone from different Country.

 An American visiting to Bangladesh is a Foreigner.

 A German person visiting to India is a Foreigner......

How do you converse ... In English? with a Foreigner .....

*1. Introduce yourself. This is the most obvious way to start a conversation....

*2. Comment on the surroundings if you are talking to someone face -to -face, the surroundings are something you both share.......

*3. Find something in common..................

*4. Give a compliment.................

*5. Ask a question.....................

*6. Describe your country's culture, tradition, heritage,etc..

7. Show  Welcoming sincerity and hospitable attitudes.. as We are famed as a Hospitable Nation in the World.

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