


How Can You make active Your Brain Power..?Can We Control Our Thoughts..?

 How can You make active Your Brain  Power...?

Some Tips might be followed....

*1.keep Learning. A higher level of education is associated with better Mental Functioning  in Old Age......

*2.Use All Your Senses... ...... 

*3.Believe  in Yourself and  Fear Yourself...

*4.Prioritize Your Brain Use.... 

*5.Repeat what You want to know.......or Recall...

*6Visit Recreational or Heritage Spot or Places... 

*7.Make habit of Taking  regular Physical or  Mental Exercise..

Can We Control Our Thoughts..?

We are aware of a tiny fraction of the thinking that goes on in our Minds,and we can control only a tiny part of our Conscious Thoughts.

The vast Majority  of our Thinking Efforts  goes on Subconsciously. 

Only One or Two of these thoughts are likely to breach into Consciousness  at a Time....

"Don’t  Compare Yourself

With Anyone in this World.............

If You do so,

You are Insulting Yourself"---Bill Gates.

Thank All...

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