


Is Mind Different From Brain? How Can You Understand Your Mind? and 15 Important or Practical Tips.......

 ***Is Mind Different  from Brain?

Mind is associated with the Brain.The Two terms are are often Used  Interchangeably.

 *Brain is Considered  to be a Physical  things,

 *The Mind is Considered to be Mental or Spiritual. 

**How can You understand YOUR  Mind? 

****15 Important or Practical  Tips to help You understand  Your own Mind--------

*1.Sit for just Two Minutes ------

*2.Do it First Thing each Morning.... 

*3.Don't  get Caught up in any how ----- Just do..

*4.Check in how You are Feeling....

*5.Count Your Breaths.....

*6.Come back When You  Wander...

*7.Develop a Loving attitude....

*8.Don't Worry too much that Yiu are doing it Wrong.....

*9.Don't  Worry about Clearing the Mind...

*10.Stay with Wherever arises...

*11.Try or get to Know Yourself....

*12.Become Friend with Yourself....or Fear Yourself.,

*13. Do a Body  Scan...

*14.Notice the Light, Sounds,Energy...  

*15.Really  Commit Yourself...( Would be Continued)( 03)

"When Flood comes,..

The Fish Eat Ants..

But when Water Dries,

The Ants Eat Fish.

 Life Gives Chance to Everyone.

Just have to Wait For Our Turn"---Dr.A.P.J.Abul Kalam.

Thank All.... StaY Blessed, All and Everyone..

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