



 .................  Mind ?............

The mind is the set of Faculties including Cognitive aspects such as Consciousness, Imagination, Perception, Thinking,  Intelligence,  Judgement,Language  and Memory,as well as non cognitive aspects such as Emotion and Instinct.

The Mind is also  an abstract concept used to characterize.......... Thoughts,Feelings,Subjective States,and Self-awareness that Presumably arise from the Brain..

What are three parts of Mind ?

When discussing in Mind,:

There are three BASIC  areas to consider:

**The Conscious  Mind.

**The Subconscious Mind.

**The Unconscious Mind. 

...... ....................... ( Would be Continued).( 01)..

"He who reigns within,. and Rules Passions,Desires, and Fears is More than a King" ---John Milton. 

Thak All...Stay Sound and Safe,All my Readers,Friends,Students and Well Wishers..

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