


What kinds of Dreams are Bad? Why do we have Crazy Dreams? Where do We go When We Dream?

 ***.What kinds of Dreams are Bad?

Nightmare,or bad dreams,are Type of Dream that causes You to feel anxiety,Fear or Terror.

Typically, a Person will wake up During or just after having a Nightmare and he or she will be able to remember all or past of the bad Dream Clearly.

*** Why  do we have Crazy Dreams? 

Weird dreams are often the result of Psychological Stress or Changes in Your routine.

Exposure to stress or anxiety right before You sleep- like reading the  News or Watching a Scary Movie can also cause Strange or Vivid Dreams.

*** Where  do we go When We Dream..?

The brain is active all Night Long with particularly  intense brain activity in the forebrain and Midbrain during rapid Eye Movement  REM Sleep, which is when we dream.

During a typical Lifetime, People  Spend an average of Six Years Dreaming.

( Would  be Continued) 06

"The Stars, that Nature hung in Heaven,and Filled their Lamps with Everlasting oil,

   Give due 

Light to the Misled and Lonely Traveller." --John Milton.

Thank All

May Almighty Save Us All from this terrific, pandemic Corona Virus.

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