


Who is good Neighbour?or a good Neighbour...

Man is social being.He can not live alone in a desolated land.He lives with others in the society.Whom with he lives, are his neighbours..In this sense a man has a good number of neighbours.But all neighbours do not have the quality  of being good Neighbours.A good neighbor  is he who maintains a good term with others  neighbours.He must be polite,hamble, sympathetic,  amicable and helpful to others. He never confines himself in his room while his neighbour is in any danger or any difficulty. Rather he extends helping hands to  rescue his next- door friends of the danger.It enhances a friendly relation among them.A good neighbor is much more important than relatives.If a person has a sudden accident his neighbours come first in his help then others.A good neighbor is aways a well- wisher.He wishes his Neighbours progression and even goes with help of necessary.He is also a sensible  person.He respects elders and loves younger.

He is aware of others right.He never does anything that may annoy others. Rather he thinks for the welfare of the Society .A good neighbor is a responsible citizen of the Country.He, having others neighbours with him,works for peace and development of the Country...

,,,,"Don't feel afraid of losing Someone who doesn't feel Lucky to have You"....--(G.M Sir)

Thank All. 

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