


The Sundarbans... Why or how the Sunderbans plays a significant role to save or protect the coastal Areas.. and economy too..?


              The Sundarbans 

The mangrove Sunderbans is a bunch or cluster of low lying Islands in the Bay of Bengal, spread across India and Bangladesh, renowned for it’s Unique Mangrove Forests.This active delta region is among the largest in the World.

Roughly, 3,860 square Miles...The total of the Suderbans, including both land and water, is roughly 3,860 square miles (10,000 square Km) about Three ---Fifths of which is in Bangladesh. 

Sunderbans, Northeastern India and Southern Bangladesh, designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 20th Century in 1997.

***Why or How  the Sundarbans plays a significant role to save or protect the Coastal areas...and economy too ?

The Sunderbans plays a significant or an important role in the economy of the Southwestern region of Bangladesh as well as in the National  economy. It is the single largest  Source of forest products in our Country. The forest provides  raw materials for wooden --based industries. 

The Sundarbans has a Universal importance for globally endangered Species including the Royal Bengal Tigers,Irawadi Dolphins, Crocodiles are critically endangered. 

The Mangrove Sundarbans forests nurture our estuaries and fuel our Nature base Economies.Mangrove are most important to the Ecosystem. Their dense roots Slowdown water flows and encourage sediment that reduce Coastal Erosion. 

Every year several times visit Natural disaster in the coastal zone like Cyclones, Storm and floods which disasters tackle down the Sunderbans as a Responsible Guardian. And it has been witnessed by the habitats of the Coastal Areas since long.In time of Natural disaster the people of these regions always keep on trust this trusted friend like The Sunderbans. 

"Nature is an Endless Combination and Repetition of a Very Few Laws"--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thank All..STAY Safe and sound and keep others Safe...  

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