


Valentine Tereshkova...The Ever First Woman Who Travels To The Space...

 ..........  Valentine  Tereshkova... .. 
The Ever First Woman Who Travels To The Space...

Valentina Tereshkova was born in the village Maslennikovo, Tutayevsky District, in Central Russia. 

Tereshkova's father was a tractor driver and her mother worked in a textile plant. Tereshkova began schooling in 1945 at the age of eight, but left school in 1953 and continued her education through distance learning. She became interested in parachuting from a young age, and trained in sky diving at the local Aero Club, making her first jump at the age of 22 on 21 May 1959.At that time she was employed as a textile worker in a local factory. It was her expertise in skydiving that led to her selection as working-llady 

After the flight of Yuri Gagarin ( the first human being to travel to outer space in 1961,) the Soviet Union decided to send a Woman in space. On 16 February 1962, "proletarin"  Valentine Tereshkova was selected for this project from among more than four hundred applications. Tareshkova had to undergo a series of training that included weightless fights, isolation tests, centrifuge tests, rocket theory, spacecraft engineering, 120 parachute jumps and pilot training in MIG-15UTI jet fighters.

Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in the world history to travel the space in 1963. She made a successful journey and came back to earth safely. Though Tereshkova was a working-class lady, she had a vision, and she was selected from the list of more than four hundred applicants. She spent more than three days in space  and made 48 rounds around the earth. Long after, she got her doctorate in Engineering in 1977 and became one of the presidium members of the Supreme Soviet. Still now she wants to travel the Mars at her very old age and now this living legend is a member in the lower house of the Russian legislature. 

On her 70th birthday when she was invited by the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, she expressed her desire to fly to Mars, even if for a one way trip.This great woman has created an unprecedented  history which can be followed by the ambitious women in all respects of the whole World. The name of Valentina Tereshkova would  remain with Golden Letter  in the history of the world.

"Anyone who Spent  Any Time in Space will Love it For the Rest of Their Lives.

I achieved my Childhood Dream of The Sky"---Valentina Tereshkova 

Thank All.

Stay Safe and keep Others Safe..

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