


,,,Gender Discrimination.....

 ........Equity has No Gender.....

Gender discrimination against Women has to be eradicated from the society to make a congenial atmosphere for the womenfolk...and  this custom, tradition or malpractice has already been out of date at this 21 Century.... Keeping half of the the total population within the discriminatory treatment or attitude........................................................

 No,Nation can achieve her desired goal.When any Nation would not be able to dispel this traditionally rooted dominating attitudes or discriminatory  mentality has to be erased and the women folk will be able to enjoy the same Right of the Constitution ....If so, then The Nation can expect a discrimination free Society or Country.


"Maturity is learning to walk away from People and Situation that threaten Your peace of Mind, Self-respect, Values, Morals and Self-Worth"------                               ......  ................................Buddha.

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