


....…..Brain and Mind.....Is the Mind Separate from The Brain..?Is the Soul Located in the Brain?

 .............. Brain  and Mind.......

The Brain is an organ but the Mind isn’t. 

The Brain is the physical Place where the Mind Resides -------

The Mind is the Manifestations of Thought,Perception, Emotion,Determination, Memory and imagination that takes place within the Brain, 

Mind is often used to refer or denote especially  to the Thought  process of reason.

*** Is the MIND separate  form the Brain? 

Traditionally Scientists  have tried to define the mind as the Product of  Brain Activity. 

The brain is the Physical  Substance, and the Mind is the Conscious Product of those firing  Neurons,  according  to the Classic Argument. 

But growing evidence shows that the mind goes far beyond the Physical Workings of Your Brain. 

*** Is the 'Soul' Located in the Brain ? 

The Soul or atman,credited with the ability to enliven the Body,was located by ancient Anatomists and Philosophers in the Lungs or Herat, in the Pineal gland(Descartes), and generally in The  Brain..... 

 (Would be Continued) 05.

"Let Your Dream be Bigger 

Than Your Fears,

Your actions Louder than Your Words,

and Your Faith Stronger than Your Feelings"

Thank  You All...... Stay Sound and Safe all my dear Readers,Friends,Students and Well wishers...

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