


Rabindranath Tagore....The World Poet...

 Rabindranath Tagore ( Guru Dev)

Raindranath Tagore was one of the most leading Poets in the history of the World Literature.Actually, he is not only poet,at the same time a nobelist, a dramatist, a Philosopher,Composer and social reformer.

He reshaped and took  notable contributions to  Bengali Literature and music as well as Indian art with contextual or visual art.He was born in the sophisticated Tagore Family on May, 7, 1861.(in 1268 Bengali Calendar). Kolkata,India.Mother  Sarada  Devi (1830-1875) had altogether Fourteen Children with her husband debendranath Tagore.Tagore was the youngest of Debendranath's fourteen children.

Tagore's father fought against British Soldiers.

Tagore's first four decades in the life were formative of both his   artistic and much of his life political thinking.

After completion his house education,he was sent to school.But he did not like institutional education at all.So, arrangement were made at house for his proper education..

Tagore started composing poems only at the age of Eight, when Tagore was thirteenth, Rabindranath  along with his father Debendranath Tagore went to visit the Himalayas.At the age of seventeen, he was sent to London to study law.But he studied  Literature with professor Henry Morley only for few months and then returned home.He wrote his poetic nobel 'Banaful' at the age of fifteen.

When he was sixteen,his poems and essays were being published in Journals.

After returning from England, he began to write tirelessly in all branches of literature.In 1911, he translated his poems of 'The Gitanjali'  into English which brought him the highest honour(in the West rapidly )  and in the in the form of The Nobel Prize in 1913.

One year later his awarding of the Nobel Prize as a First Bangali, he was made a Knight by the British Government which he rejected as a protest against the atrocities of the British Government  at Jalianwalabagh.

The University of Oxford honoured him with D.Lit in 1940.Earlier in 1921,he laid the foundation of Viswa Bharati.

At  the age of 80,on August 7, 1941 Rabindranath Tagore breathed his last at Jorasanko,Thakur Bari,Kolkata,India.

"Reach High,

For Stars,

Lie Hidden In You.

Dream Deep,

For Every Dream Precedes the Goal"---Rabindranath Tgore.

Thank All.

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