


........ DREAM.....?,What are the benefit of Dreaming?

 ... -------------- Dream....-------?.

Renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud thought or believed  that Dreams reveals unconscious  repressed Conflicts or Wishes.

According to Freud, Dreams are imagery of a Wish or Impulse from Childhood that has since been repressed.

This is why Freud Studied dreams to understand the unconscious Mind.

***In another way Dream can  be defined::

A dream is a succession of Images, Ideas,Emotions,and Sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the Mind During Certain stage of Sleep. 

The content  and Function of Dreams are not fully Understood, although they have been a Topic Scientific,  Philosophical and Religious  interest throughout Recorded History.

*** What are the benefit of dreaming? 

Dream enhances creativity and problem solving. It has been shown that deep Non- Rem   sleep strengthens individual memories.

But Rem ( Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is when these memories can be Fused  and Blended together in abstract and highly Novel  ways....(Would be Continued) 01.

"I Love thee with a Love,

that shall not Die,

till the sun grows Cold


The Stars Grow Old"--William Shakespeare.

Thank All.Stay Safe All..

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