


Why do We dream during Sleep?

 ***Why do we dream during Sleep?

Most dreaming occurs during Rem(,Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep,which we Cycle through periodically during the night.

.Sleep studies show our  brain waves are almost as active during REM Cycles as they are when we are awake. 

Experts  believe the brain stem generates Rem Sleep and the forebrain  generates the REM Sleep and Forebrain generates Dreams.

 ***........ Human Dreams ...........?

Dreams are hallucinations that occur during certain stages of sleep. They are stored during Rem Sleep,(Rapid Eye movement stage, when you may be less likely to recall your dream.

Much is known about the role of sleep in regulating our metabolism, blood  pressure, brain function, and other aspects of health..  (Would be continued) 02.

"My greatest Strength is the Love for my People,

My greatest weakness is that....

I Love Them too Much."----Banga Bondhu  Sheikh Mujibur Rahman..

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