


Important of Sleep...,? 5 Functions of Sleep.... What are The Types of Sleep...?

 *** Important of Sleep?

Sleep is a vital, often neglected, component of every person's Overall health and well-being. Sleep is important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for Tomorrow. 

Getting adequate rest may also help prevent excess Weight gain,Heart diseases and increased sickness or illness duration. 

5 Functions of Sleep... 

It is quite evident that  Sleep is essential for many vital functions including development Energy Conservation, Brain Waste Clearance, Performance Vigilance, Diseases,and Psychological State...

What  are the Types of Sleep...?

There are Two basic Types of Sleep:

** Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep.


** Non- Rapid Eye Movement ( NREM) Sleep.(which has three Different  Stages.Each is totally linked to specific brain waves and Neuronal activity. (Would be continued) 02.

"Religions are Different Roads converging Upon The  Same Point.

What does it Matter that We take different Roads,

So Long as We Reach the Same Goal ?"--Mahatma Gandhi.

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