


.............Mother Teresa....

 ................ Mother Teresa.........

Holding the great belief in mind that 'Man is For Man' many people have devoted their lives to the service on humanity.In history, their names and fame are recorded in the GOLDEN LETTERS OF THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Of these greatest humanists,Mother Teresa's Name can be placed at the top. As she rendered Motherly Service to all the ill- fated destitute, without thinking any  Caste, Creed or any Religious community. She got recognition as 'Mother ' all over the World, especially in this Sub- Continent.But this great Lady was not born in this Sub-Continent. She was born at Bezaxi Hiu Family in Albania on  the 20th August, 1910. She was brought up in a little City Skopea in Yugoslavia. She was named by her parents Agnes and her full name was Agnes Gonaxha Bezaxi Hiu. At the age of 18,she went to Ireland to join the Institute of Blessed Virgin Mary.Only after five weeks,she  came to India with a Group of Christian  Missionary. In Calcutta she joined Labeto School as a Teacher. Then at one stage, she left teaching in the School and engaged herself in serving the poor, sick and dying People in the Streets of Calcutta and in the Slums.She established many institutions to render service  to the dying and sick. Nirmal Hridoy,Shanti Nibash,Prem Nibash are some names of her institutions. She and her fellow Nuns brought the sick and dying destitute from the Streets of Calcutta in these homes. They got human and divine Love from her and other Nuns before their Death. Her service was not bounded in India only.She also stood beside the poor and helpless people of Bangladesh after the Liberation War in 1971. The great lady passed away from her Territory of Service on the 5 th September  leaving us to mourn. The memory of this great Noble Lady will remain ever green, and recall her dedications to the Humanity till the late hours of her devoted Life.

This content may be followed as Paragraph  by The students of class7,8,9,10,Hsc.and Degree students (G.M Sir)

"If  We can't  Love the Person  Whom

We See,

How can we Love God,

Whom We can't See? "--Mother Teresa.

Thank All

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