


Active Life is Better Than Inactive Life/Labour/IndustrY

 ......Active Life is Better  than Inactive Life/ Industry / Labour...... 

Active life or Labour is the best device through which man can succeed  in life. An active life  is dignified in all religions. Almighty has given us hands and energy to work with.An Active life Plays a significant role in human life. We can not fulfill a high ambition without labour or industry. Labour makes a man great and pious. They work for the  good of mankind.An Active man gives him the sprit  of courage and self-confidence.We must be active to attain the  quality of self confident person.On the other hand if anybody becomes inactive or lazy he or she will lag behind in the World or in mundane Life..He will invite untold sufferings in maintaining his livelihood properly. None can achieve his objectives without giving tribute to labour.If we want to be successful in life, the devaluation of labour must be done away with. In Bangladesh our people are poor because they are averse to labour. So Poverty is their constant friend.None should consider the labour mean and shameful.All the famous and successful  persons of the WORLD have been great by dint of their hard work and perseverance. It is said that, " An idle brain is the Devil's Workshop." If we can remember this axiomatic truth,we are sure to shake off our laziness and become more active to make this Country (Sonar Bangla) prosperous and modern Bangladesh  in all respects.The Government is taking initiative to make our people laborious both in home and abroad. 

"The Stupid speak of The Past,

The wise of The Present.

 And Fools of The Future "---Nepoleon Bonaparte. 

***This content may be followed as paragraph by the students of class   8.9.10.  and  H sc, Degree students and job applicants..G.M Sir.

Thank All.

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