


What happened between Palestine and Israel in 1948? What Countries do not recognize Israel? Does Bangladesh Support Palestine?

 What happened between Palestine  and Israel in  1948?

The Arab --Israel war of 1948 broke out when five Arabs Nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the Announcement  of the independence of the State of Israel on may 14,1948........

The United Nations Resolution Sparked Conflict between Jewish and Arab groups within Palestine. 

 What Countries do not recognize Israel? 

28 UN Member state do  not recognize Israel :15 Members of the Arab League  ( Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kwait, Lebanon,Libya, Mauritanian, OMAN, Qutar, Saudi  Arabia, Somalia,Syria, Tunisia and Yemen) ten other members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei,Indonesia,Iran.

Does Bangladesh Support Palestine? 

At present, relations between Bangladesh and Palestine are very cordial and Supportive. Bangladesh is a strong and consistent Advocate of an independent Palestine  State and firmly opposed to Israeli Occupation......  

Bangladesh supports the establishment of a Palestine  State drawn on the 1967 Boundary with Jerusalem as the Capital. (would be continued ) 03

"War is Only A Cowardly 

Escape From The Problems of

        Peace."--- Thomas Mann.

Thank All.

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