


How did the Israel and Palestine Conflict Start? What is the Conflict Between Arabs and Israel? Does Israel Recognize Palestine?

 How did the Israel and Palestine Conflict  Began or Started?

The history States that Israel- Palestine Conflict started with the establishment of  the State of Israel in 1948.

This Conflict came from the Inter communal violence in mandatory Palestine between Israeli  and Arabs from 1920 and erupted into full --Scale hostility in the 1947--48 Civil War.

What is  the Conflict between Arab and Israel? 

The Arabs --Israeli conflict includes the Political tension or restlessness, Military Conflicts and Israel which escalated during the 20th Century, but had mostly faded out in the early 21st Century. 

Does Israel Recognize Palestine? 

On 31 July 2019,138 of the 193 United Nations (UN) Member states and two  non --member States have recognized it( Israel is recognized by  164) 

Palestine also has been a non --member observer State of the UN General Assembly  since the passing of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 67/19 in November 2012. (Would be continued )02..

"All Wars are Civil Wars,

because all men are Brothers"---Francois Fenelon.

"If We Don't End War, 

War Will End Us""---HG WELLS

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