


Who Ruled Palestine in the Past? When did Romans Occupy Palestine? Who Controlled Israel after Romans?

 ***Who Ruled Palestine in the past...?

Throughout the history, Palestine has been ruled by numerous Groups,including the Assyrians, Babylonians,Persians,Greeks,. Romans,Arabs,Fatimid, Seljuk, Turks,,Crusaders,Egyptians and Mamelukes.

From about 1517 to 1917,the  Homan Empire ruled much of the Region. 

***-When did the Romans Occupy Palestine? 

The Romans period lasts from Pompey's conquest of Palestine in 66 BCE until Constantine the Great declares Christianity  a permitted Religion in 313 CE, 63 BCE -- Romans  troops Occupy Palestine. 

*** Who Controlled  Israel after Romans? 

Herod the Great: in 37 BCE, Herod the great Captured Jerusalem after a forty - day siege, ending Hasmonean  rule. Herod ruled the Province of Judea as a Client - King of the Romans, rebuilt the Second Temple, upgrade the Surrounding Complex, and expanded the minting of Coins to many denominations.(would be continued ) 05

"Worry about Your Character,

        and not

Your Reputation, 

Because Your Character 

is  who You are,

And Your Reputation is Only

What People Think of You"----------

William Shakespeare 

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