


Why is Israel and Gaza Fighting? Which Countries are Boycotting Israel? What countries BuY Israeli Weapons?

 ** Why is Israel and Gaza Fighting?

The Conflict originated with the Election of the Islamic political Party Hamas in 2005 and 2006 in the Gaza Strip and escalated with the split  of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinian Government into the Fatah Government in the West Bank and the Hamas Government in Gaza  and the following violent ousting  of Fatah after.

** Which Countries are boycotting Israel?

Twenty two Countries ban or boycott direct flights and overflights to and from Israel. These  are Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Libya, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Quatar , Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan,Syria,Tunisia, UAE and Yemen.

** What Country buy Israeli Weapons? 

Much of the exports are sold to the USA and Europe. Other major regimes  that purchase Israeli  defence equipment include  South-east  Asia and Latin America, 

India is also major Country for Israeli Arms exports and buy remained Israel's largest Arms Market in the World..( would be continued ) 06

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and Love the People You Meet.

Let Your Presence Light, new Light in the Hearts of People"-- Mother Teresa.

Thank All.

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