


How can We differ True Love?Obstacles of True Love? Did Someone Truly Love You?

 How can we differ True Love?

True Love is more than a feeling, a Sensation, 

Something You just say to please.

True love is the sincere desire for the wellbeing    of someone else. True is patient  and kind.It is not selfish, and it can't be made angry easily. It does not remember wrongs done against it.True Love is not happy when others do away,but it is always happy with the truth.True Love never gives up on people.It never stops trusting, never loses hopes, and never quits.

Did  Someone truly Love You..?

I think or hope we all have had this sweet or sometimes bitter experience in Life at  least once and several times. But may be you don't feel loved at this moment  or your love can be very fragile, just as People can be very fragile.Sometimes we are just looking for Our own best interest and we forget to look after the One's  we love. It happens to any individual to many times and Everyone afraid of he or she will make these mistakes in future Again. 

*** Obstacles of True Love..?

Tru love often is hard to find.There are so many obstacles in life that withhold us from giving and receiving Love. Unbelief, Pain,experiences,from the past, Suspicion, Possessions, Dignity, Fear..(would be continued) 

"Real Love 

Is not based upon 

Romance,Candle Light 

Dinner and walk along Beach.

In fact, It's Based on Care, Compromise, Respect,Trust and Mutual Understanding "

Thank All.And be blessed by getting or deserving True or Real Love from Your Dearest 'One' in only a Single Life. Otherwise, Life would be seemed to You feel watching  just as a Barren Field.( G.M SiR)

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