


What is the Definition of Love? What is the Spiritual Definition of Love?

 ** What is the definition of Love.?

A feeling of strong or constant affection for a person, :attraction that includes Sexual desire :the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship :a person you love in a romantic way.

*** Love : an Intense feeling of deep affection., 

"babies feel parents with feelings "

*** Love: a great interest and pleasure in something " his love for Cricket"

Love: feel deep affection for (someone) he loves his sister dearly"

Some Deeper Words for Love:

*** Tenderness, Fondness, Warmth, Passion, Adoration,,,  

*** Liking,inclination, regard,friendliness,adore, adulate, worship..

** What is the Spiritual definition of Love?

Spiritual love can refer to a love rooted in a spiritual connection that helps us find meaning and purpose in our lives. These Spiritual loves can serve different proposes. Some are meant to walk with us through Life,while others are meant to teach us lessons.  (Would be continued) 

"Learn to Love 

Without Condition.

Talk without bad intention.

Give without any reason.

And most of All, care for People

without any Expectation"---William Shakespeare.

Thank All.

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