


How Humans get Mental Peace,? How a Human Mind finds Inner Peace..?

 ** How Humans get mental peace...?

**The mentally strong people give up to gain Inner peace.Letting go of certain things can open the door to true contentment in Life.

* Enjoying with your nearest and dearest one, like travelling,Gossiping something educative and amusing affairs.... 

* Excessive  Self-blame...

* Chasing happiness..... 

* Staying Comfortable... 

* The victim mentally....  

* Trying to impress people.... 

*The pursuit of Perfection.... 

* Fear Yourself like Your enemy... 

* Over all, "Be of 'One' Mind and Live in Ever Peace".

** How a Human Mind finds Inner Peace....?

Here are citing Some ways you undergo or experience Inner peace and enjoy life as a deeper, passionate, more Satisfying Level.

** Focus your attention on those things you can control...... 

** Spend Time in Nature with some special One..

** Be True to Yourself always....

** Mind what You eat...

** Exercise on a regular basis... 

** Do good Deeds and harms to None... 

** Be assertive........

** Meditate once in a day...

** Build Your self --- esteem...

** Erase all previous Negative or dark chapters ( but difficult) 

** Remove Your own barriers to happiness... 

** Practice Looking inwards.....

** Take time to appreciate Yourself.... 

** Do well to all harm to None...

"I don't give any REASON 

For Anyone  to Hate  Me .

They Creat  their Own  Little  Drama  out of Jealousy "

Thank All

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