


..... My Homeland.....

 ............ My Homeland......

Man is born in a definite or particular territory. I was born in a country in the Universe Bangladesh by name. It is my  sacred homeland. Soft and fertile soil almost flat in nature and full of green is my homeland. It's a symbol of natural beauty and surrounded by India on three sides and by The Bay of Bengal in one side and partly by Myanmar. It came into being on the 16th December 1971.It's area is 147,570.Square kilometres ( 56,980 Square Miles) and above 170 Million people live in my Motherland. The climate of my dear homeland is neither too hot nor too cold.She is really the Queen of all Countries in the World.My homeland is criss- crossed by hundreds of big and small rivers. It is mainly an agricultural country but her agriculture largely depends upon the Monsoon. My homeland grows a plenty of Rice, Jute, Wheat,Sugarcane, and Tobaco. The rivers, beels,and haors are full of very tasteful Fishes.At present, Fish production on the 4th position in the World. It is famous for growing various kinds of vegetables. Plenty of tea of good quality grows in my motherland. Tea and Jute earn a huge foreign exchange every year. It helps my homeland to develop.It is at the same time famous for Jute and Cotton Industries. My homeland also earns a lot of foreign exchange by Garment industry. My homeland is showing her proficiency in exporting Leather and Leather goods.It is my homeland that is developing in games and sports. Let it be promised that she must have developed in all the Fields, it is a very amazing news for us we are on the verge on a Modern Bangladesh. .Bangladesh, my queen sweet  Homeland may live Long.

N.B.-- Nota Bene..This content  might be followed as paragraph by The students of class 8.9.SSC,Hsc.and others.G.M Sir.

"Patriotism Consists not in Waving the Flag,

 but in Striving that Our Country Shall be Righteous as well as Strong"--James Bryce.

Thank All. Stay Safe and Sound  and Keep Others safe. 

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