


...... The Invention of Wheel.....

 .......The Invention of WheeL....

Human being is the best creation of Almighty as we hold sophisticated  brain capability of all the Creations.And it is bestowed by the  Merciful Almighty for Human being. Humans have invented many important things so far,by the passage of time. They have brought great,developed and comfortable Modern civilization to the World's as a blessings through these inventions.I think 'the Wheel' is the greatest inventions for Human Beings as a boon.

A wheel is a circular object. It can rotate around It's axis and help easy Movement of things across a surface. 

In fact, the Wheels everywhere, the wheels are on our Cars, Trains,Planes,Wagons and so on.Moreover,they are on most factories and farms  equipment  Fans, Propellers,Turbines  are also other types of wheels. So the wheel is very important. We can't imagine modern civilized  Life without Wheels. 

****Who made or discovered the First Wheel.....?

The Greeks were the Pioneers in many things.But in this case, the Mesopotamians were the ever first discoverers of Wheel.It was in 3500 B.C.

Mesopotamia was in ancient Iraq.It was along the Valley of the Rivers Tigris and Euphrates. After the Mesopotamians, the Wheel was further improved by the Egyptians.They first made wheels with Spokes.After that, they used them on Chariots around 2000.BC.Wheels reached the Indus Valley by 3000 B.C.But Chariots with spoked wheels were made in ancient India in around 1500 B.C. They were used for War,Hunting  and Racing. 

The Greeks used wheel in 1500 B.C.and learn the idea of wheel -making from the Egyptians. They also made further improvement on it.Later on, the Romans did the same too and produced a variety of Wheeled Vehicles. 

"Life is Like a Wheel,

 Sooner or Later, 

 It always Comes Around to Where You Started  again."----Stephen King.

Thank All.

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