


How can you improve Your Child's English Speaking Skills?

******Some easy steps or ways to improve your child's English at home......

*1.Choose your TV shows wisely...

*2. Incorporate a  reading habit...

*3.The first thing that you can do is by helping your child deveolp a reading habit....

*4. Encourage your child to speak in English...

*5. Don't laugh when your child speaks wrong English or falters........

*6. Make habituated  your child to know the new unknown words...

*7. Giving some advices to your Child  about the importance of English language ....

*8.Always try to speak in English with your child easy way...

*09. Inspire your child always to know the unknown easy or very common( surrounding your child's seen environment ) Words...

*10 Give impression or idea to your child that English is an easy language to learn ....

.....""Difficult Roads often lead to

        Beautiful Destinations".....

..."Learn English  and open the Horizon of knowledge""'..

Thank All..Stay with Soundness with the celestial grace of Almighty.

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