


What is the Medical Terms for Sleeping? What is stage.4 Sleep called? How can You improve Your deep sleep Time?

 What is the Medical Terms for Sleeping?

The word 'Somnolence ' is derived from the Latin 'Somnus' meaning  Sleep.

What is stage 4 Sleep called?

Most dreaming occurs during the fourth stage of Sleep,known as Rapid eye movement( REM) sleep.

Rem sleep is characterized by Eye movement, increased  rate, and increased brain Activity. 

How can You improve Your deep sleep time...?

Might be practiced the tips below...

1.Work out Daily.....

2.Eat more Fiber.....

3.Find Your inner Yogi.....

4.Avoid  Caffeine  7 + hours before Bed......

5.Resist that Nightcap.......

6.Create a Relaxing BedTime Routine...

7.Make Your bed room a Sleep Sanctuary....

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.***Make habituated  Yourself as a Sound or deep sleeper and be the most Successful and productive One for the Tomorrow. -- G.M Sir.

"I met Money One Day.

  I said "You are just a paper"

  Money Smiled and said, 

 Of Course I am a piece of Paper

 but I haven’t   seen a Dustbin Yet,

       In my Life "----Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 

Thank All. Keep in Touch with Divine Peace and Blessings.... all my Readers, Students, Friends and well wishers


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