


Are Your Dreams telling You Something? Is Dreaming in Color Rare? Can Blind People Dream?

 **Are Your Dreams telling You Something?

Dreams tell You what You really know about something, What You really Feel.They point you towards what you need for growth,integration,expression, and the type of Your relationships to Person,  Place and Things...........................

When we talk about our dreams coming True,  we are talking about  our Ambitions. 

**Is Dreaming in Color Rare?

When awakened while dreaming, People rend to report that their Dreams contained vivid colors.Seventy percent of the time and vague color 13 percent of the time,but outside of Scientific studies, 

Only 25 To 29 Percent of people say that they Dream  in color.

**Can Blind People Dream..?

People who were born blind have no understanding of how to see in their waking lives,  So they can't see in their dreams. But most blind people lose their sight later in life and can dream visually. 

Danish Research in 2014 found that as time passes, a blind person in less likely to dream in  Pictures.. (Would be continued) 08.

"Forgiveness Liberates the Soul.

It Removes Fear.

That is why it is such a Powerful Weapon"--- Nelson Mandela. 

Thank All

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