


Are Dreams Meaningless?Why do we Remember Dreams? The Largest Dreams happen in the A.M.... Does Blind Person see Black,?

 **Are Dreams Meaningless...?

It is unlikely that Dreams are meaningless -- very few, if any, are random  assemblages  of images.

Some Dreams ( Dreams that tend to be associated with N3  NREM Sleep.) (NREM...-- Non Rapid Eye Movement) can lack narrative  action and instead are just presentations of a visual Scene or a single set of thoughts.

**Why do we Remember  Dreams? 

Alarm clocks, and irregular sleep schedules can result in abrupt  waking during Dream or REM Sleep, and thus result in recall of Dreams. 

Sleep apnea,  Alcohol,  or anything  that  disturbs  sleep ean also cause Dream recall.

                                       Dimitriu  says.

**The Largest Dreams happen in the A.M......

The largest Dreams -- up to 45 Minutes Long- usually  occur in  the Morning.  There are certain things You can do before You go to bed to control Your Dreams.

**Does Blind person see Black? 

While only 18 percent  of People with significant  Visual  impairments are actually  totally Blind, most can at least perceive Light. In other words, although we can't  see Colors,Shapes or people. 

We can still tell the difference between  Light and Dark.

"Self- Confidence is the Best outfit 

Rock it

And Own It"

Thank All.

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