


Bangladesh and Israel Relations: Is Palestine Recognized by Canada? Does China Support Palestine or Israel?

 ** Does China Support   Palestine or Israel? 

China recognized the State of Palestine in 1988.Since 1992, China also established formal diplomatic relations with Israel and has since maintained a cordial Relationship with both entities

Is Palestine Recognized   by Canada..?

Among Members of the G20 Major Countries 9 (being Argentina, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Turkey)   have  recognized  Palestine as a state while 11 ( Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,South Korea, Mexico, Spain, the UK and US) have not Yet Recognized . 

Bangladesh and Israel Relations:

Bangladesh and Israel don't maintain diplomatic relations at all.

Bangladesh said that We would not recognize Israel until there is an Independent Palestine. 

Some reports and statistics revealed that Bangladesh and Israel maintain Some trade relations indirectly  and sometimes secretly, but this revealed  report has not enough reality or base,although  Bangladesh always denies or  protests  Strongly regarding these Allegations. 

Today (26. 05. 2021) Our Foreign Minister has stated at an exclusive press interview, We don’t  recognize  Israel as a State until Palestine would  be an Independent State or Country.  (Would be continued.. 06..)

"Ten Beggars can Sleep

 On One Rug,

 but two Kings Feel Uncomfortable 

in One Country "---Persian Poet Sheikh Saadi 

Thank All. Be blessed all my Friends, Students, Relatives and Well-wishers. 

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