


Geographical Area of Palestine......(in brief)

 *** Geographical Area of Palestine.... (in brief) 

Palestine, area of the eastern  Mediterranean regions, comprising parts of modern Israel, and  the Palestine  territories of the Gaza strip (along the coast of the Mediterranean  Sea)  and the West Bank ( west of the Jordan river) 

The term Palestine has been associated variously and Sometimes controversially with this small region which some have asserted also includes Jordan. Both the Geographically designated by the name and the political status of it have changed over the course of three Millinia.The region is also known as the Holy Land is held sacred among Jews,Christians and Muslims.

Since the 20th Century it has been the object of  Conflicting claims of Jews and Arab National Movement, and the conflict has led to prolonged Violence, open warfare. The Word Palestine derives from  Philistia,the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Palestinians, who in the 12th Century BCE occupied a small pocket of the land  on the Southern Coast between Modern Tel Aviv -- Yafo and Gaza.

The name was revived by the Romans in the 2nd Century CE in Syria Palestinian,  designating the Southern Portion of the Province of Syria, and made It's way thence into Arabic, where it has been used to describe the region at least since the early Islamic era.

After Roman times they have had ' no official status until after World War 01 and the end of the regions mandated to Great Britain, in addition to an area roughly comprising Present day Israel and the west Bank, the mandate included the territory east of the Jordan River now constituting the Hashmite  Kingdom of Jordan, which Britain placed under an administration separate form that of Palestine immediately after receiving the mandate for the territory. 

"War demands Sacrifice of the People. 

It gives Only Suffering in Return"--FREDERIC CLEMSON  HOWE

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