


Junk Food

 .... Junk Food...... 

The term "Junk food" is used to describe food which is low in nutritional value, with a comparatively high caloric value.Many people try to  avoid or limit junk food in their diets,out of concerns that such food is not healthy, despite the fact that numerous food manufacturers produce  wide range of products  which could be considered junk food. Nutritionists, Doctors,and other health advocates often work  to educate people 

about Junk food, encouraging them to eat well balanced diets which contain a high proportion of healthy foods. Any food that has poor Nutritional value is considered  unhealthy and may be  called a calories food that is high in fat,sodium, and or sugar is known as a junk food. Junk food is easy to carry, purchase and consume. Generally, a junk food is given a very attractive appearance by adding food additives and colour to enhance flavour, texture ,appearance, and increasing long self life.A junk food has little enzyme producing vitamins & minerals and contains high level of Calories.When we eat these empty calorie foods,the body is required to produce It's own enzymes to convert these empty calories into usable energy.This is not desired as these enzyme producing functions in our body should be reserved for the  performance of vital metabolic reasons. Remember, junk foods are empty  calories. An empty calories lacks in micro-- nutrients such as vitamins,minstrels, or amino acids,and fiber but has high energy (calories. Since junk food is high in fats and sugar,it is responsible for Obesity, dental cavities,. Type 2 Diabetes and heart diseases. It does more harm than Good.So.we should take various home made Foods like Vegetables, rice which are more Fresh and Nutritious. 

"Worthless People Love OnY

to Eat and Drink,

People of  Worth Eat and Drink Only to Live"---Socrates 

This Content may be followed by the Students of Class 8.9.10.HSC, Degree Students and Job Applicants or job seekers.G.M Sir.

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