


A Moonlit Night

                    A Moonlit Night

A moonlit Night is a type of a night when the full Moon shines with the full ray or beam in a transparent and bright Sky.A Moonlit Night is really charming and enjoyable.It presents a beautiful sight.It dazzles our eyes and soothe s our heart.On a moonlit night the surrounding atmosphere is flooded with silvery beam of the moon.In a moonlit night the moon looks like a dish of silver. Moonlight night is so pleasant that anyone may fall in romantic situation..Canals, Rivers and Tanks seem to smile on a  moonlight night.The grand spectacles of the canals, rivers and tanks can not be described in words.The whole nature looks bright and appears charming in celestial light.People of all ages enjoy a lot moonlight night.Young boys play and little boys and girls make merriments  and amuse themselves.A moonlight night is really enjoyable and mind-blowing to a newly married couple.Men and women  of middle ages can not come out of the doors.They pass some hours in gossiping and story telling and enjoy the night such way.Poets of all languages have sung highly of a moonlight night.Even lower animals come out of night and little insects also fly here  and there.A moonlight Night is really amazing,enjoyable and pleasant indeed.

"Everyone is Moon,

 and has a Dark Side,

 Which he Never Shows or Exposes


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