


...... Global Warming....

                    Global Warming

Global Warming means or  refers to the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near--surface air or on the Earth's atmosphere.

For the excessive release of Carbon dioxide is mainly responsible for this global  warming or severe threat to the Earth's atmosphere.Millions of buses,trucks.and other motor vehicles plying on roads emit a huge amount of carbon dioxide.Again, Mills and Factories bleach out black smoke and other toxic gases which vigorously contributes to increase the temperature in the atmosphere.

Fires made by men to cook food  and for other domestic purposes add to global warming.When released, carbon dioxide and other harmful gases makes a layer which does not permit or allow it to get out of the Earth's Surface.I this way the temperature around the World increases permanently.

This increase in temperature causes the Ice --Caps to melt.Huge ice getting melted at gradually cause the rise in the sea level. The salty sea water will reduce the fertility of agricultural lands and create scarcity of food production Worldwide.

Global Warming also increases the intensity of extreme weather events such as flood,storm,cyclone etc.

Very alarming news for Bangladesh is that the lower Southern parts of Bangladesh will one day go under water.The coastal areas will be affected by frequent storm,cyclone and flood.

Global Warming has become a global issue for its violent and dominating effect of Natural disasters.Our,.Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged his deep concern for this vital issue on the UN General Assembly. She also  claimed that the Capitalist developed Countries are mostly responsible for this global warming, and also demands compensation to  the poor Vulnerable Countries.

All the Nations of the World including Bangladesh showed their great concern about this Vital global issue to protect the World or Earth.

"We can't stop Natural Disasters

 but we can arm Ourselves with Knowledge :

 So many lives wouldn't have to be lost,

 if there was enough disaster preparedness "--Petra Nemcova.

Thank All.

Stay safe and Sound and keep others safe.

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