


What are the Common Grammar Errors in English?

*****Most common Grammar mistakes..

*1. Wrong word.

*2. Missing comma, after introductory element.

*3. Incomplete missing documentation.

*4.Vague Pronounce reference.

*5, Spelling...

*6. Mechanical error with quotation.

*7. Unnecessary comma.

*8. Unnecessary or missing capitalisation.

*9. Missing word.

*10. Faulty sentence structure.

*11. Missing comma with a non-restrictive element.

*12. Unnecessary shift in verb tense.

*13. Missing comma in a compound,Complex sentence.

*14. Unnecessary or missing apostrophe

*15. Fused (run on) sentence..

*16. Comma Splice.

*17. Lack of pronoun antecedent agreement.

*18. Missing or unnecessary Hy-pen.

*19. Sentence fragmentation.

*20. Over use of  adverbs.

*21. Too many prepositional  phrases.

*22. Ambiguous or confusing modifiers.

*23. Ambiguous Poonam references.

*24. Lacking knowledge of  Parts of Speech.. Specially Tense... Numbers (Singular ,Plural ).

*25. Wordiness ( inflated sentences)

*26. Pronoun disagreement.

*27. Lack of subject verb agreement.

*28. Sentence fragmentation.

*29.No clear antecedent....,.

*30. Lacking knowledge of infinitive.

*31. Faces difficulty to find out the Head word  of the specific sentence.

  ...... ( N.B.( Nota Bene. ) ..I myself have  experienced or undergone in  my teaching profession since 1997... This is very True and should bear in mind all the Learners...

And ...Be very careful about these Mistakes)...

...."Learn English and open the Horizon of knowledge"....

Thank All..

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