


Is Dream Good Or Bad....? How does Dream affect Your Mental Heslth?

 Is Dream Good or Bad......? 

Dreaming  is a Normal and a healthy part of Sleeping. 

Dreams are a Series of Images, Stories, Emotions,and feelings that occur throughout the  Stages of Sleep.

The  Dreams that You Remember or happen during the REM cycle of Sleep.(Rem: Rapid Eye Movement) 

How does dream affect Your mental Health?

In fact,frequent  and distressing  Nightmares, along with several other qualities of Disturbed  Dreaming, such as Challenges in Emotional intensity, increased bizarreness, or unusual  Character  Interactions, have been associated  with Specific  Psychological  Disorders, including depression,  Schizophrenia, and  Personality. (Would be Continued) 03.

"You must not Lose Faith in  Humanity.

Humanity is an Ocean, 

if a Few Drops of the Ocean are Dirty,

The Ocean does not Become Dirty." ---Mahatma Gandhi.

Thank All.

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