

Showing posts from March, 2021Show All
What Skills is important in Job ?
How can you learn very fast ?
........Pray to God...
How  can Animal Cry? Can a dog talk like human?
How do you talk Sweet to a Guy?
Why did Pakistan surrender in 1971? and Who trained Multi Bahini ?  and which Country  helped Bangladesh...?
5 Simple Rules or Tips for  a Happy Life....
 Class 9 English assignment , 2nd week
Who is Foreigner..? How do you converse in English..? With a Foreigner...
Is Shakespeare the Father of English?
International English and Early Forms of English...
5 Simple ways to improve Your written English....
How can I memorize things permanently...?
How do We acquire Learning..?
How can You improve Your memory and concentration...?
How to acquire knowledge?Where we can acquire knowledge?
Why do we need to acquire knowledge?
What is the best source of knowledge?
How is knowledge' formed ?
Importance of English in the offices....
What is the definition of Knowledge??
Why is March 26th Independence DaY of Bangladesh?
Are English people Celtic?
Why is March 26th Independence DaY of Bangladesh? And how was Bangladesh Born...?
        ......26 March.....
How to Speak International English?
How can you improve Your Child's English Speaking Skills?
How can you introduce yourself in English with Your New Colleague?
Is Arabic the oldest language?
What are Four Basic Language Skills?
How do You Start  a Normal Conversation?
15 Great Tips for Learning English Quickly and Easily...
What are the Common Grammar Errors in English?
How can you introduce yourself in English with  Your New Colleague..?
"Why English is Necessary in our Life...?
"What is the advantages of Learning English Language"?
"What is the Sweetest Language in the world?
Where did English people come from?
"What is the best Language in the world?"
"Who is the Father of English Grammar?.."
......"Bangladesh,. Independence and Bangabandhu".....
...What is the brief history of English Language...?
....Who Invented English Language?....
"Who Made Literature...?
...Who is a good Citizen?. and Some Duties of a good Citizen....Some Duties to be a better Citizen.....
-----Child Labour and Stigma on Humanity----
,,,Gender Discrimination.....
Who is the father of English?
I like to  inform you humbly with due homage or respect to all, that this page is now  at in infant stage I mean this page has  been opened just.. So, keep in touch with my New Page 'Skylark.'' and I'll try to contribute myself for reminding or providing something educative or moral  lessons of the renowned Personalities of the World and my little learning from English Language .. Basic Grammar and etc in English Language and academic Solutions from J.S C up to Degree, Honours Students If  I would be able to give anything or  any a single person might get any lesson...I would do feel better or fortunate myself for  performing such  a little task or attempt...Thanking You All and Everyone...Have a divine shining or blessings to all my friends,  Students and well-wishers ...
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